

BRANDING/ VISUAL IDENTITY / interior branding / webiste design & development / marketing




carecay group

Visual identity

the future of auto- mobile
The visual identity of Carecay was made in a way that it represented the name of the brand. Here, the visual identity of Carecay was created to form the logo, depicting care, through the two arrows designed in the pattern of hands and the empty space highlighting 'cay' which means 'an island'

Previously known as the “Pioneer” Group of Companies, has now evolved. Not much has changed, the same passion, the same dedication and the same legacy, just with a brand new look and feel. We take this opportunity to introduce you to carecay group of companies.

The idea behind this transition was change and evolution, consistently getting better in our pursuit of chasing perfection and utmost customer satisfaction.

Here, under the umbrella of Carecay group of companies, we provide a one stop solution to many of your needs, related to buying and selling of new as well as old cars, finances, loans and car workshops.

logo design

The care cay logo is made to depict the car care services that they provide such as car detailing, and car wash facilities, using design elements that show speed when taken apart and care when placed in a specific way, also keeping in mind the values of their name , carecay, where 'cay' means island, depicted by the negative space in the shape of a diamond.
The two bracket like shapes are made to show two hands that show care, and the negative space in the middle, is kept in the shape of an island, keeping in mind the 'cay' in the name.


The revv of an engine
The branding of CareCay was done in a way that it perfectly depicts the services that are provided by CareCay, like their care services such as car detailing services, car wash and even more, while keeping in mind the values attached with their name. To create something that makes CareCay a memorable experience, and a brand worth remembering, the collaterals were made in their own unique design.
Keeping the look and feel of the brand one-toned and easily identifiable, all the collaterals were made using the brand colors and elements of the visual identity, giving it a sense of familiarity while also making the brand stand out from the others in the market.
The brochure design of Carecay group of companies is made with respect to the consistency of the brand's visual elements and to fit the umbrella of services that they provide to the market
Here, under the umbrella of Carecay group of companies, we provide a one stop solution to many of your needs, related to buying and selling of new as well as old cars, finances, loans and car workshops.
Keeping the look and feel of the brand one-toned and easily identifiable, all the collaterals were made using the brand colors and elements of the visual identity, giving it a sense of familiarity while also making the brand stand out from the others in the market.
Keeping the look and feel of the brand one-toned and easily identifiable, all the collaterals were made using the brand colors and elements of the visual identity, giving it a sense of familiarity while also making the brand stand out from the others in the market.
The letterhead for CareCay was given its own futuristic and modern look, along with keeping in mind the visual identity elemennts and their font that makes the brand look visually aligned with its logo and field of work.
The catalogue design of carecay was designed to fully represent the brand and showcase their services in the best possible manner, through the use of elements, fonts and colors from their visual identity to create a consistency in the brand

Social Media

This part is still under creative construction and is yet to be launched
Post designs / campaigns